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г.   Ivan Tcherezov: I understood as far as two weeks ago that I could get tenth position at the best. Today, on the 7-th of December, in Swedish Oestersund first stage of World biathlon Cup have finished, and Ivan Tcherezov has become the best among Russian biathlonists in Total Cup. He is occupying eight position and exposing functional readiness against the background of his team-mates. Ivan Tcherezov personally comments the results of these races for Agency of sport information “All sport”. - Ivan, judging by statistics and according to chief trainer Vladimir Alikin, you have the best readiness in our team. - Well, I would not say that I feel pretty fine. I feel like a man who has done many speed and weightlifting exercises for the last two months. In other words, I have hard times. Especially it felt in first day, in individual race. It was snowing, route became mash, and it was the worst thing for us. - Was it original plan or unexpectedness? - We cant say that it was planned. Though we worked hard. But when you come to World Cup – especially first races – you always in elevated mood. But I personally, frankly speaking, understood two weeks ago that I would win nothing special in Oestersund. At the best – the tenth position. And it happened this way. - In connection with it how is your mood? - Usual mood. I understand the situation. I came the same situation through two years ago – Vladimir Alikin gave us a lot of trainings in first low season then. And, accordingly, I see clearly what I specifically need to do for recovering. - So you see it and whats about your team-mates? - They have neither mourning nor joy. Everyone tries to analyze what is happening and do conclusions. Here we have one more moment… When you have good results everything is seemed ideal. But when you haven’t results – you begin to search inside, look for something… This will do no good. All we need now is time. - Alikin has said today that if you hadn’t three misses on the first shooting, you would fight for medal. And he has reproached for unlucky adjustment of fire because of fog. - No, it wasn’t fog, especially it was staying during the race. I simple froze! We used to ski within zero temperature, 10 degrees below zero is frost for us (laughing)! At first I also thought about unlucky adjustment, it seemed to me that I hadn’t done all corrections. But after race I talked with our shooting trainer Andrei Gerbulov. He said that those mistakes were my personal mistakes. I think such way too. I just froze and couldn’t get together. - Are you sure that in next week in Hochfilzen team will perform better? - At least, we have positive dynamics. Now we need a rest. And its very good for us that first race in Hochfilzen will be only in Friday. We will rise for these days.